Abalone Shell - Shop

Abalone shells are the shells of a group of sea snails or molluscs. The colourful and iridescent inside of
Abalone shells makes Abalone a very attractive option for jewellery.

Abalone shell comes in a variety of different colours, from blue, green and black to pink and orange. The cutting and polishing of the shell reveals a unique and striking colourful display on each shell. No two pieces of Abalone jewellery are the same.  Metaphysically, Abalone shells are used to enhance calm and to encourage peaceful transitions.

Caring for Abalone
Abalone shell is not very hard, this means your jewellery will scratch easily and you should therefore take extra care to protect from damage. Ensure to store out of direct sunlight to prevent fading. Every now and then you may wish to wash your Abalone jewellery in warm water, but avoid using any harsh chemicals and this may effect the durability of the gemstone.

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